Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Have Arrived. Finally!!!

Well, I wanted to start out our new adventures in Montana with an account of the grueling 3 day drive here.

After making our farewells to family and friends, we embarked on our journey to Helena. The girls were very excited about starting the drive, but within 3 hours, Julia decided that we had driven far enough. So from then on, the ever famous "Are we there yet" echoed throughout the car. Fortunately for me, Kittie has become very good at copying her sisters every comment and also engaged in that famous kid car ritual.

Our drive itinerary was: 1st day- drive 12 hours to Lamar, CO (40 mph gust in TX/OK/CO)
2nd day - drive 14 hours to Billings, MT
3rd day - drive 3.5 hours to Helena

Bart is determined to have Uhaul put cruise control in its trucks. I am too for that matter, because I wasn't able to use mine either. Our feet still haven't recovered from the flex position.
But cruise control was the least of Bart's problem. It seems that the company we had load the Uhaul wasn't really into "balancing" the load. The truck tilted heavily to the right and turns were "challenging" to put it nicely.

But, we arrived and are now in the FUN task of unpacking. It is funny how you think you have weeded out the junk, just to discover when you unpack that more junk seemed to follow you. So to say that it looks like a bomb went off in our house is putting it mildly.

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