Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One down...

Well, we have been here a week. We are still trying to conquer the boxes, but I think they are getting the upper hand. I dared mention, "Garage sale", and I thought Bart was going to lose his mind. I told Bart, "Let's face it, we are pack rats." Now getting Pappa Rat to part with some of his precious "pack" will be another matter.

The Girls
Rachel and Julia have been enjoying going to vacation bible school at St. Pauls's Methodist Church. They are making new friends and giving us a little bit of peace and quiet at the house. Rachel has found out that her "accent" is getting her quite a bit of attention. She loves it!!!

Kittie is not so thrilled with her sisters being out of the house. She is really wanting to do all the big girl stuff too. She and I are going to visit a daycare center tomorrow.

On the job front, I have a phone interview with Blue Cross/Blue Shield tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. To be honest, when I received the email requesting a time, I had forgotten what I had applied for. I have applied for quite a few positions. Some are education related, but most are state government.

Bart has done his fair share of applying too, but I started mine just before we left Texas. I am positive his will catch up with me.

I promise that I will post pics of everyone. We are still looking for the elusive box that has the USB cable in it. (Don't worry Kacy, I packed that one.)

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